Windows Media Player not playing .avi files?


Feb 8, 2015
I don't know why this is happening. I've played .mp4 & .wmv files without this problem. It seems to be an .avi thing. I've tried re-installing WMP, and I've deleted the files excluding the folders in "C:\Users\Ryan\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Media Player" to fix any corrupted settings and still nothing has worked. Please can someone help me this is driving me insane.

Here's what happens when I try to play a .avi file.

I'm recording this files with DxTory, and I'm using the Lagarith Lossless Codec. It's worked before and it started doing this a while back I just never payed mind to it.
I've messed around troubleshooting and what not, so I've came to the conclusion; if I have more then two audio tracks WMP wont play the video part of the file, so if it's just two audio tracks it works normally. I actually tried that K-Lite Mega pack and it's strange because when I used Meda Player Classic it only played the game audio and not the other track which was my microphone, but at the same time when I tried it with WMP again all audio tracks worked, even with three... Is there anything I can do?
when you are in media player classic, open the file and then in the play right click in middle of the screen. It will show you audio options and you can chose the audio track from there

Can I select to have it play all audio tracks in a video? I'd still rather get WMP working then some 3rd party software :/
I don't think that is possible, you would have to separately extract all the audio tracks and mix them down in an audio editing software into one mix track and then link it back to the video track. You can't play all audio tracks at once, that would be like playing all different subtitle languages at once. Is that what you are trying to do? Have you tried updating windows media player, you may be using an outdated version

Yea, I've checked for the latest updates and everything is up to date. It's strange how when I installed K-Lite Windows Media Player worked with three audio tracks, and when I uninstalled it, it didn't. It's like there was some settings helping WMP to play it.. WMP still plays two audio tracks fine.