Windows Mixed Reality Will Support SteamVR On Nov 15

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Shouldn't the title be SteamVR will Support Windows Mixed Reality Nov 15?

I've been from PSVR and added Oculus as well as, last week, Lenovo WMR.

I have to say, WMR has better graphics, but less apps. I have grandkids and wife loves VR, so all 3 are in use.

If the games were written to require a GTX 1060 or RX 480 on a 2160x1200 resolution HMD, it's only logical to assume they'll need commensurately faster graphics hardware to run at 2880x1440 (or 2880x1600 for Samsung).

Our source suggested that you would need a 7th generation Core i7 processor to get the job done.
I think it has to do with the fact that WMR is doing a lot of processing on the host PC (HMD tracking is a lot harder, if you've got no light houses or IR markers at fixed geometry). Perhaps Steam apps are granted exclusive use of the GPU, forcing the HMD tracking to go on the CPU. ...because I doubt just the additional layer of API overhead could account for that discrepancy.
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