windows not installing


Jan 2, 2013
my current configuration is
i3 3110 processor
gigabyte b75-d3h
corsair 4gb 1600mhz
corsair 430cxv2
80 gb hdd
sapphire 7770
my pc was working properly but i wanted to install fresh copy of windows on it....while installing everytime getting error code 0x80070570 during expanding files after 60% also tried windows 8 but same error....used the same hdd to load windows 7 from different pc and was successful but when used that same hdd on own pc then pc freezes and restart after windows flag came at startup...used my laptop hdd with loaded windows but pc freezes at windows flag at startup....tried to run windows memory diagnosis but after 96% its pc restarts without showing any error ...don't know which device is wrong
I got the same error while trying to install windows 8 on this. Something to do with corrupted files while copying.

Not too sure (because I think I corrupted the partition, I was reinstalling it on). I had to connect the hdd to another computer and delete then create the partitions.

I thought it was a ram prob (some sites say that error maybe caused by bad ram). So I removed 1/2. It got so far and stopped again.

In the end I had use an ISO and create a bootable flash drive using a program called rufus to fix it.

I'm not too sure if NTFS had something to do it. I formatted this flash in NTFS. And it worked.

So to me it sounds like (since the flash drive was formatted in FAT32 before), it can only support up to 4 GB.

While it was expanding, it must have gone over 4 GB or something. And couldnt find the other / or rest of the files to copy to the hdd while windows was installing

if the error is after windows installer has started and is copying files to your drive. most times the error is due to the system restore partion is there and has files in it. if your doing a clean install make sure you go to advance mode and remove all the partion on your hard drive so windows starts fresh. also if there a bad sector or spot on the drive your install can fail. if you can plug the drive into another pc run hdtune see if there any bad spots on it.

i have formatted the same pc using poweriso bootable usb method earlier but this time its not working ....tried rufus now but error at boot that operating system is missing