Windows Process using high CPU usage


Aug 27, 2014
Hello there, so I recently noticed that there is a windows process using up quite a bit of CPU usage. It often ranges from 16% to 50% of my CPU usage. This process eats up my battery when unplugged and keeps my fans in my laptop running even when I'm not doing anything intensive. My laptop at times gets quite warm, even when I leave it turned on doing absolutely nothing. I've looked for, and attempted solutions I found online, here and on other websites, with no luck on fixing the issue (it's hard to recall the specific things I've attempted, most involved going into some files and changing the value of some number) Rebooting my computer temporarily fixes the problem but then about twenty minutes after having my laptop turned on the process begins to eat away at my CPU. I really want this fixed, my laptops battery already isn't that impressive, about 3 to 4 hours give or take doing basic things, this process kills it in about an hour. This screenshot below is the process,



As you can see the speed of the CPU is also quite high, normally it doesn't go over 1GHz on when not doing anything

My laptops specs,
Model: Lenovo Y50
CPU: Intel Core i7-4710HQ 2.50GHz
Memory: 16 GB
GPU: GeForce GTX 860m
Storage: 1TB

if there's anything I've missed let me know, I'll be glad to post anymore specifications you may need, thanks for your time!
Did you run process explorer?


this isn't my shot but it shows what I was saying, the tree view will show you the usage and names of the process actually using CPU under svhost. Then once you have a file name its just a matter of tracking it down

you will need to run it as admin to give it full access.

It has AV built in too, if you right click a name in list and choose "Check Virustotal" it will scan the files as well. have to assume it uses defender.
It appears you are using windows defender, I would use another AV program like Bitdefender or Kapersky as then you can set times for it to run scans, defender just does that whenever it wants.

task manager really doesn't show break down, you could install process explorer and use it instead. The default view shows what is running under each process and actual usage of each part. This shows what it all means:

Hi there, I don't believe Windows Defender is causing the problem, as I have disabled it before and still received the high CPU usage. I'm getting desperate here, I might just reset my system completely, I honestly hate that this is happening, but thanks for your suggestion anyways.

Did you run process explorer?


this isn't my shot but it shows what I was saying, the tree view will show you the usage and names of the process actually using CPU under svhost. Then once you have a file name its just a matter of tracking it down

you will need to run it as admin to give it full access.

It has AV built in too, if you right click a name in list and choose "Check Virustotal" it will scan the files as well. have to assume it uses defender.