Question Windows refuses to make it into OOBE


Jan 3, 2019
Whenever I deploy Windows (Recovery environment CLI, Setup environment CLI, Setup environment GUI, Hirens BCD GUI, Hirens BCD third-party tool, Hirens BCD CLI) it either restarts forever without any updates on the loading screen (recovery environment CLI) or gives me a boot_device_inaccessible BSOD (everything else)

The drive is fully functional, as I was upgrading from Windows 10 to 11 when I ran into this issue (my old Windows install is now gone btw, the recovery partition by now included) and chkdsk returns no errors
Windows memory diagnostic and memtest86 return no errors
Trying everything on a different drive (brand new one I just bought) returns the exact same results
Installing Hirens BCD to the internal drive works perfectly. Tried installing Ubuntu, but couldn't get anywhere
Tried getting a command prompt open by replacing oobe\winload with cmd.exe in regedit (I loaded the hives, yes), no cmd just the same error.

So currently I have Hirens on my internal drive, but I can also boot into it on my usb, and Windows refuses to make it into OOBE.
Also, I tried deploying Windows 10 instead as that was what worked on the device previously, I am receiving the same error.

What do you recommend I try to get Windows installed? One more time, I tried 2 drives with Windows 10 and 11 and received this result. Both are nvme drives, one I just bought last week.

Extra info:I do not have another laptop or desktop device. I made everything by borrowing a co-workers computer
I have 20$ in my bank account so I can't buy anything really
I tried using dism to 'upgrade' my edition of windows from hirens and received an error, I also tried installing drivers to just use hirens as-is and got an error so it seems to me I cant just daily drive hirens.
My coworkers wont allow me to replace their drive with mine to install Windows