Windows repair under DOS ?


Aug 22, 2001
Although this has more to do about DOS , I’m posting it here because it has also to do with windows.

There is a time when you want to copy a big folder with subfolders under DOS, i.e.:

-when Windows have been damaged and you want to format C: and copy an older working copy of C: that you have kept on D:

-or when you want to make a fresh install of windows on a new HDD but you want to do it faster by copying the windows CD on your HDD and install from there.

So, it seems that I have forgotten my DOS.
HOW can you do this copy? I have tried “copy” & “copy *.*” but it will only copy files but not folders. What am I doing wrong?
Yah, use <b>xcopy</b> with the <b>/s</b> command.

I don't think you need to copy any subdirectories on the win cd, just need all the cabs in the win9x directory (or whatever directory). I think its different for nt/2k/xp.

😱 :frown: 😡 😱 :redface: 😎 :lol: :tongue: :wink: - What do you want to feel today? :)
xcopy works fine. however u can just use the "md" (make directory) command to make folders one ur hd if u ever have need to in the future.
c:\md wincd
Hey! Don't feel bad! We all make one another look like Idiots. That's what we are here for.


:smile: <b><font color=green>I took an I.Q. test came back negative.</font color=green></b> :smile: