Windows Reserves Half of my RAM


Dec 20, 2014
I've been having problems with Windows Hardware Reserving half of my RAM. I had 8GB of RAM and Windows Reserved 4GB of it, I thought "Well it's time to buy some more anyways." so I purchased 16GB of RAM and now Windows is Reserving 8GB. I have them in Dual Channel and the RAM I had before was Kingston Valueram and the RAM I have now is G.Skill Trident.X. I am using an R9 280x Graphics Card. Here is a link to the RAM and Motherboard:

Thank you for any input!
Might look in BIOS for a ganged or unganged option - if their want ganged. If in 1-3 from CPU then would guess something wrong with the mobo or the MC (memory controller) might pull CPU and check for bent/broken pins, debris in socket, etc
In dual channel will be slots 1-3 or 2-4 _ have you tried in both combinations? If yes and same each way try both sticks in 1-2 - if all show up then having a channel problem. First try loosening the CPU cooler then snug it back down, if too tight in a corner or side it can throw the MC (memory controller) off. Might also check the CPU for bent/broken pins
I am in the slots 2-4 because my Cooler is too large to fit this RAM underneath for Slot 1. But I did install a new cooler and afterwards I did start having the problem (though I didn't notice until a month after the install so I forgotten all about it) thank you so much and I will loosen the cooler tomorrow and see what happens. Again, thank you!
Nothing I tried worked, and here's what I tried:

1. Resetting CMOS.
2. Loosening Heatsink
3. Using 1 8GB Stick of RAM (Windows did not reserve any memory from 1 stick).
4. Change the slots of the RAM, currently running on 1-3.
5. Try different slots with different sticks 1 at a time.
6. Run a System Repair.
7. Completely Remove Heatsink.

I'm just going to assume that I am in need of a new motherboard.
Might look in BIOS for a ganged or unganged option - if their want ganged. If in 1-3 from CPU then would guess something wrong with the mobo or the MC (memory controller) might pull CPU and check for bent/broken pins, debris in socket, etc