ok, i posted this everywhere and no one could help me.
here it is in the most detail i can explain it
[start to story]
a while back i needed to format my computer. and i remembered i had a alienware windows xp prof sp1 cd. and i didnt wanna wait to download the sp2 pack. so i slipstreemed it. also while doing this i removed services to maximize the avail memory when running it.
[problem start]
i then installed it on my alienware laptop and then later on my costom desktop pc i built.
[main intro to problem]
the issue is that i cannot access either computer through the network.
i know it isnt my router or anything, and if you say that is the issue. i will promptly kill you.
the issue is with the services i removed. i dont have the "windows firewall and ICS service". i think thats the one i need.
i do not wanna format again. i hate loosing all my stuff. and i cant backup multi DVD sized sets of things.
also i have everything configed the way i want.
here is some hardware info for yous
thank you very much
here it is in the most detail i can explain it
[start to story]
a while back i needed to format my computer. and i remembered i had a alienware windows xp prof sp1 cd. and i didnt wanna wait to download the sp2 pack. so i slipstreemed it. also while doing this i removed services to maximize the avail memory when running it.
[problem start]
i then installed it on my alienware laptop and then later on my costom desktop pc i built.
[main intro to problem]
the issue is that i cannot access either computer through the network.
i know it isnt my router or anything, and if you say that is the issue. i will promptly kill you.
the issue is with the services i removed. i dont have the "windows firewall and ICS service". i think thats the one i need.
i do not wanna format again. i hate loosing all my stuff. and i cant backup multi DVD sized sets of things.
also i have everything configed the way i want.
here is some hardware info for yous
thank you very much