Hi All
Right Iv put together a i5-4690k desktop. Now iv got a old laptop that was originally on win7/8 and it got upgraded to 10 via the free upgrade sys. Well its had it. So its going to the laptop greaveyard.
This all said iv seen and been reading about the windows media creation Tool. So using that I have managed to doownloade-d the ISO. As I tried 3 times to download the USB version. .But I always got a error anyway iv used the USB creation tool Rufus..
Does this mean I will be able to use this USB to load it onto the new PC and not have to buy a copy of Windows or am I not reading it right or is it my wishfull thinking..
The next question is the installation. At the moment its all on the bench. So after putting everything in the case. That is to say iv got a 2TB H/D and a 256 SSD as storage. Odviously I want the fastest startup possible so I put Windows on the SSD right. So set bios as USB First storage device. Then does the SSD just work like a normal HD I ask because this is the first time I am using a SSD.
Thank you OS
Right Iv put together a i5-4690k desktop. Now iv got a old laptop that was originally on win7/8 and it got upgraded to 10 via the free upgrade sys. Well its had it. So its going to the laptop greaveyard.
This all said iv seen and been reading about the windows media creation Tool. So using that I have managed to doownloade-d the ISO. As I tried 3 times to download the USB version. .But I always got a error anyway iv used the USB creation tool Rufus..
Does this mean I will be able to use this USB to load it onto the new PC and not have to buy a copy of Windows or am I not reading it right or is it my wishfull thinking..
The next question is the installation. At the moment its all on the bench. So after putting everything in the case. That is to say iv got a 2TB H/D and a 256 SSD as storage. Odviously I want the fastest startup possible so I put Windows on the SSD right. So set bios as USB First storage device. Then does the SSD just work like a normal HD I ask because this is the first time I am using a SSD.
Thank you OS