Windows Tool and New PC


Feb 7, 2017
Hi All

Right Iv put together a i5-4690k desktop. Now iv got a old laptop that was originally on win7/8 and it got upgraded to 10 via the free upgrade sys. Well its had it. So its going to the laptop greaveyard.
This all said iv seen and been reading about the windows media creation Tool. So using that I have managed to doownloade-d the ISO. As I tried 3 times to download the USB version. .But I always got a error anyway iv used the USB creation tool Rufus..
Does this mean I will be able to use this USB to load it onto the new PC and not have to buy a copy of Windows or am I not reading it right or is it my wishfull thinking..
The next question is the installation. At the moment its all on the bench. So after putting everything in the case. That is to say iv got a 2TB H/D and a 256 SSD as storage. Odviously I want the fastest startup possible so I put Windows on the SSD right. So set bios as USB First storage device. Then does the SSD just work like a normal HD I ask because this is the first time I am using a SSD.

Thank you OS
The Windows license on your laptop is locked into it can't be used on another computer, so you will need to buy a license for your new computer. You can use the USB you created as install media though if you so wish.

Yes, the SSD works like a normal HDD except it is a lot faster! When installing Windows unplug the regular HDD until you have installed Windows and only connect it after install (to make sure there is no boot information installed on it to save some possible troubles later down the road..). You don't need to specifically set USB as first boot device when there is no OS installed on the connected drivers, it doesn't hurt though.
The license from the laptop can't be transferred to the new PC.
That was a preinstalled OEM license, and the Upgrade to Win 10 did not change that OEM licensing.

And that is pretty much the only case where you can't transfer that Win 10 to different hardware.
Time to buy a new OS for your new system.

The MediaCreation tool simply assists in creating the install media.
It has nothing to do with the licensing and activation.
Windows 10 may still allow you to activate on the desktop, if both machines are running the same version of 1607 Anniversary Update and you link your Windows 10 license to a Microsoft Account on the laptop before it dies.

It will say "Windows is activated with a digital license linked to your Microsoft account" instead of "Windows on this device is activated with a digital entitlement."

There are certain exceptions for why this may not work automatically, and while the type of device is one of them, I don't know if laptop to desktop counts.

I've called Microsoft and they have let me transfer OEM licenses to new computers before, so I figure if Microsoft is OK with it then all is well--it's worth a try as you have nothing to lose. Just don't be surprised if you have to call too.

Right that asked and answered My next quest would be which version of windows should I go for. Yes I understand that W10 is the only one tou run DirectX12 But Iv built the desktop for two main reasons This being Photo manipulation with Adobe Lightroom 6 and then Elite dangerouse with dedicated flight controls.

Would you still say Windows 10 in the hopes that the updates get it up running to its full potential? Or one of the previous versions?

Regards OS
Personally I have had no problems running Windows 10 so far so I can recommend it. Also Lightroom 6 supports Windows 10 and is supported by Adobe on that OS. Definitely better over Windows 8.1 and Windows 7 is just old, although some people prefer it.