Windows Using Way Less Memory Than I Have

Jul 15, 2014
I have 8GB of RAM and it says it's using like 34% of it at start up but my memory usage is only around 500MB. It's detecting that I have 8GB of RAM but I can only use way less. What is wrong? I've reseated them and everything and I have no viruses.
Do you have fast startup turned on ( as if you do, that will account for resource usage at start up as win 10 loads everything that was open last time you shut down.

Win 10 doesn't shutdown when you turn it off, it uses Hybrid Hibernate and goes to sleep instead, saving half the data to memory and other half to hdd/ssd. The only time it actually turns off is during a restart. This speeds up boot times for people with HDD (normally) so its usually a good thing for hdd users, ssd don't see as much benefit since they can boot so fast anyway.

You can try turning it off and see if that reduces load at start up. Turning off fast start up will let PC turn off...

I have 500MB at start up, it says I have 37% of my resources being allocated. I know for a fact I have more than 2 GB of memory, it should be a much lower percent than 37.

Hello... B / good point... Mine says 9% in the resource monitor with 414 mb of 16gb, so simple math doesn't work here B )... There can be memory allocated for Graphic card/OS use... can you post a image of the 1) Task manager-Performance 2) Task manager-services and also go to 3) the Resource monitor-Memory too? those will show you who is using/locking the memory... Most will be the OS services and drivers... Others will be APPS that are auto loading at Boot.

Typically there can Be APPs that auto install at Windows Boot, if you let them install into your MSCONFIG-startup list OR Startup folder... cleaning out those areas of some APPS will lower the % use at Boot... and not cause problems starting them manually later.



Hello... THX for great images... I don't see a RAM install or MB problem here... Windows sees and is allocating the 8GB stick to the OS.

Yes there is no simple Math that I can show you or I have ever dwelled to understand here... there is OS/APP caching features that moves it to your HD/SSD too... You can see on the top of your list the programs/Apps, starting up at Boot, and using 5% more than my system (16gbvs8Gb)...

Typically I don't concern myself with memory limits using 16GB, But having 8GB of RAM as my minimum install/build, I never get any calls or complaints about memory issues with their systems... but I agree the MATH doesn't add up or the screen numbers... But you shouldn't be having any problems with your OS and memory limits... Or are you? B /

Everything is a bit sluggish; start up has been slow, often times having a black screen for a minute or two before taking me to my desktop. Browsing with Chrome is slower than usual and when I played Fallout 4 it gave me a warning saying that I'm going to have to close Fallout 4 because I don't have enough memory.
Hello... 1) Do you have a platter drive? they can become fragmented and need a OS cleanup and be full of internet information/data that never gets deleted automatically.
2) How old is the OS install?
3) Chrome is a known memory hog...
...3a) close the program before gaming?
...3b) use IE or other low mem APPs/browsers.

4) Control panel-system-advanced system-performance-advanced-Virtual memory-Change and increase your OS Pagefile settings. (HD/SSD Temp storage space)
5) Buy another 8GB stick too because of your personal system/APP use needs.

6) Type MSCONFIG-startup look over the list of APPs loading at BOOT and eliminate "instant" use of them, to free up some memory.
7) Go into your APPS-preferences and Shut OFF auto updating feature... too reduce Sluggish OS operation after a fresh Boot.

1. Yes, I have my drive set to defrag at certain times and I clean out my temporary files regularly.
2. 4 months
6. The programs that I have set to load on start up have little start up impact, or had little start up impact until this happened to me.

I've tried everything, I've tested my RAM in MemTest86 and passed, my BIOS is updated, I've reseated my memory modules, and I've run multiple scans through several different anti-virus programs. There is no acceptable reason why I can't use over 60% of my system memory, something is up.
Hello... What is the size of your GPU memory and the card model? maybe the Game needs more Video memory for the settings you are using in it? B /

as a "Simple Test" Remove/Close/disable those items from the Boot lists and re-test the game play.

as a "$$ Test" pick up another Stick of RAM and remove the other one... there could be a problem with it... not detected with a Test App? B /

Try cleaning the RAM stick gold connectors with rubbing alcohol... there are a lot of tiny electrical connections that need to be made. B )
I could be wrong but I think that 3rd image, is only showing ram being used, not the total available in system (You aren't using any of the free ram after all) So your user at 632mb is 32% of the ram actually being used, not including free ram

My PC shows me using 643mb on my user and 18% of used memory, that isn't even close to right unless its 18% of the 2.7gb I am currently using.

Your PC looks normal to me, windows 10 doesn't use that much ram to run itself, and that is just ram, its not looking at commitments which also include the page file.

Nvidia GTX 960 2GB
I can assure you though, most of my memory is being unused. I have never had a memory error on this system and I've had it for around 4 years. Everything is running slow now. If you look at the 3rd link you can see that something is clearly wrong. The percentage that the 633MB of memory is using means that at 100 percent load my RAM can push 1976MB.... Under 2GB. That is far from what I actually have....
but then i think about it and wonder why yours is 36% and mine is 18% and we using same amount of ram (More or less). The percentage is odd. It should be same unless it can see total amount of ram available and takes that into account somewhere. I need to look into this I think...

I tend to use process explorer instead of task manager and never really worried about ram usage and especially windows not using enough.

edit link, its not working.

Hello... Do you have any RED or Yellow Device Manager indicators?

Do you have memory allocated for the CPU/MB GPU feature in your BIO's?

Clear/Reset your MB CMOS? could be corrupt with memory communications B /

Then and Now means... a lot of updates and program installs... and internet files...Malware?... As "Simple Test" try a New install on a spare HD? and see what changes after each APP is added to the OS? B /

Computer takes longer to boot sometimes accompanying a black screen for like 2 minutes before it takes to to my desktop. Browsing is less snappy than usual. Might be the old placebo effect but I'm confused why a ton of my resources are already being used with nothing open and low start up impacting boot programs. B /

The black screen thing makes me think you should update graphics drivers if you can, or other motherboard drivers as old drivers can slow boot speed down.
Do you have fast startup turned on ( as if you do, that will account for resource usage at start up as win 10 loads everything that was open last time you shut down.

Win 10 doesn't shutdown when you turn it off, it uses Hybrid Hibernate and goes to sleep instead, saving half the data to memory and other half to hdd/ssd. The only time it actually turns off is during a restart. This speeds up boot times for people with HDD (normally) so its usually a good thing for hdd users, ssd don't see as much benefit since they can boot so fast anyway.

You can try turning it off and see if that reduces load at start up. Turning off fast start up will let PC turn off when you shut it down.