Windows will not boot


May 26, 2016
Dell Inspiron N5110, Windows 8.1 -
A few weeks ago I had downloaded upgrade to Windows 10 but the installation failed. Everything has been working fine, until today Windows will not boot. The Dell logo comes up, loads then the windows logo comes up for about 20 secongds, then a dark blue blank screen with a cursor blinking at the top left, then nothing.
I don't have a Windows 8 disk.
I do have a Windows 10 drivers disk from my new computer and have been able to get
"It looks like Windows didn't load correctly. If you would like to restart and try again, choose the "Restart my PC" below. Otherwise choose the Advanced Options.
Continue: Exit and continue to Windows 10 (which I tried thinking it had somehow installed itself ?!?)
Troubleshoot>Recovery tool -tried this but there are no restore points listed.
Advanced Options> Startup Repair: Diagnosing your PC starts then "Startup Repair couldn't repair your PC" > back to Advanced Options
Go back to previous build > Blue screen with " Restarting ....
and that is where I am at now for about 30 minutes. I have little hope.
I cannot boot into safe mode.

I ran the Diagnostic test thing in Bios and everything passed.

HALP!!! :/
Just so ya know, I ended up reverting back to a previous version of Windows 7, and for now it is working. What a nightmare. I am afraid to try and upgrade to Windows 10, but I guess I will back up all data and take the chance.. :/
Just so ya know, I ended up reverting back to a previous version of Windows 7, and for now it is working. What a nightmare. I am afraid to try and upgrade to Windows 10, but I guess I will back up all data and take the chance.. :/