Question Windows wont boot


Sep 12, 2013
It all started when big storm came in town. Current went down. Pc couldnt boot at all. After hours of net surfing i came up with a bad ram. Tried them separately , with the 8gig stick did boot but windows died. Made a fresh 8.1 install. After 1 week now got the same problem. Windows aint booting. I get a msg kernel security check failure. And the pc restarts... specs are: asrock fm2 a55dgs athlon x4 750k hd7770. Oh and 1 weird thing when first i got this error was playing and pc restarted and fans started going in full blast. Ive chanched the thermal paste to, the temps are fine even at full load. Can anyone help me sort this out? Also im saving up for a new pc but till that i need this one.
So apparently it boots till i have to type in the password. After typing in it loads for a few seconds, then i get the kernel error and restarts. If i dont hit enter the pc runs withouy errors. Could it be a dmged hdd?