Windows wont load after bios update.


Feb 27, 2017
Heres the sitch, I got a z97-d3h gigabyte motherboard. I go to gigabyte website and download appcenter to update my bios. I restart my computer after being prompted to do so, and when it turns back on it crashes and restarts. Ive had this problem for a while when i turn my computer on it goes into a reboot loop and thats why it crashed after the update. My problem now is that i cant load windows.
I can get into bios after the computer resets however many times which its done before i updated bios. but after that windows will stat to load for about two seconds then stop and freeze. I've been searching online all day and cant find a solution. I removed that battery thing on the mobo to try and reset it and it still has the version i downloaded. I tried selecting different boot priorities, using the windows to to reformat or repair but that freezes as well. Basically anything after bios freezes.
Thanks for your time.
hi thanks for the quick response, ive tried to clear the cmos.
does it have to be with everything disconnected? I ive tried starting it just from the windows disk without the drives plugged in and it still freezes on windows screen.
so what is the problem? just that Windows won't load? perhaps it's due to the fact that you updated the BIOS, maybe it is recognizing your motherboard as a new one. you might have to reinstall windows
im not sure how i can reinstall windows because it wont load, the cd wont load, automatic repair wont load anything after bios. Perhaps im missing something blatantly obvious out of inexperience but i seem locked out. The problem is i dont know how to access anything beyond bios.
bootable usb version of windows, or windows os disk in optical drive. in BIOS set boot order for whichever of the two first, save and reboot and that will take you into the process of reinstalling windows onto the hard drive... only other thing could be that the hard drive is failing.
ive tried it with the optical drive and it freezes as well, even with it set to first boot order. the computer triest to load windows or repair for a second or two and freezes. atm i dont have access to any kind of usb at all
It will still freeze no matter what drive i boot off of. Running and installing windows is a non option at the moment. The problem lies somewhere in the motherboard not wantint to run anything other thatn bios for whatever reason. Is there a way I can reset bios to the factory version somehow in bios settings? I read somewhere that jumping multiple versions can cause a problem. Seeing as i jumped 5 versions maybe thats it. Or perhaps a setting somewhere in bios that could be changed to stop the freezing? Maybe im not communicating the problem well enough but it seems to be lost in translation.
I get what you are saying, I was just holding off on the worst case scenario news for last. Sometimes if a BIOS update is interrupted, it can be unfixable. Not that this is what has happened though. Only thing you are left with is to contact the motherboard manufacturer, communicate your issue, and probably end up sending it in. all of the possible self-help solutions are kind of exhausted now.

ya i tried that, still no luck
Im not sure what it was before but ya ive tried setting it to ide
I called gigabyte and they told me to send it in since its still under warranty
Thank you for the suggestions.