Windows won't login after Msconfig change


Oct 2, 2016
Dear people,

THis afternoon I tried to fix a driver for my headset. I was reading an article on Logitech's forum about how to fix the issue I had. Though this broke my windows. I had to select Selective Startup on MSConfig and disable the first 2 options. I rebooted my pc to come to the conclusion that I can't do anything else besides acces CMD via a windows 10 boot CD. I can't recover or return to a point where my windows still worked. So the solution has to come through CMD. Safe Mode doens't work either... My PC can't seem to login because I made it so my PC logs in automaticly. If I can disable this it might go back into windows. The main problem is the fact it can't seem to log in.

Is there a way to reset these 2 options via Command prompt? Or do I have bad luck? I tried some things from other articles on this forums but those seemed to work only in specific situations. I basically need the options as seen in the picture to be reset.

Edit: Is there a way to disable selective startup and enable Regular startup? I gurantee that that will work

I really hope there is a solution to this.
Did you try start up repair from the advanced menu of troubleshooting (booting from win 10 cd)

the command couldn't be more obvious (but i still had to look it up)

to start msconfig from cmd, type
start msconfig

I don't know if that will let you set normal start up, it should.

so many fixes for being stuck in safe mode, if only it were that easy,
Did you try start up repair from the advanced menu of troubleshooting (booting from win 10 cd)

the command couldn't be more obvious (but i still had to look it up)

to start msconfig from cmd, type
start msconfig

I don't know if that will let you set normal start up, it should.

so many fixes for being stuck in safe mode, if only it were that easy,
According to that screen shot, its running in normal, or isn't that your PC?

Every time I used MSCONFIG to put it in normal mode, it would go back to selective start and reboot but problem would not go away. I was able to run selective mode, then "disable" all start up services, restart then go back into MSCONFIG and set all services to enabled. At this time
PC1 started up in normal mode and everything now works.
No sir, I am currently on my laptop. I found the path to msconfig from the CMD from the boot CD but it seems I require administrative rights. And yes I tried everything besides formatting and reinstalling windows... Is there a way to get administrative rights from the boot cd?

Shit, my problem isnt solved but your thingy says its solved?
so what happens if you boot? i assume its defaulting to selective and with those 2 fields turned off I would be surprised it gets very far. Does it show the login screen or just nothing?

If safe mode worked then you can get admin rights just be logging into it, but i have noticed it doesn't always appear as an option if you boot off CD, it only offers start up settings screen if you go to advanced start up from within windows.

if it gets as far as login screen, choose the power option, hold down shift and click restart
this loads same advanced start up as cd but may show the start up settings screen which gets you to safe mode.

If this doesn't work, you may need to go nuclear.

but that doesn't mean you have to lose everything. Try doing this and save anything you want to keep off hdd:

Did you try a reset? Its on top lvl of the repair menu
I would suggest wiping it all as no guarantee that keeping files/settings wouldn't just reproduce this
pc will restart and reinstall win 10 (and maybe a reset will also fix that driver problem you have with headset)

if you tried a reset already, last step is fresh install
use your CD and follow this:

Hey thanks. Sadly I tried some other stuff that completely ruined my windows installation so I just reinstalled it. I got the important data via the notepad trick on a ext. HDD so im cool. Only have to download back my games now. Thanks in advance for trying and sorry to kind of waste your time!

Have a great evening or weekend for how long it still may last 😉

Yours sincerely,
