windows xp 64?


Feb 17, 2014
Hey peeps so im just asking my step lad wants to get over 4gb of ram and a 1gb gpu he currently has 32-bit xp (has a dell 745 sff) i was looking into it and for a short timeonly just to get it running simple games like rust etc will windows xp 64 bit be the right move for him until christmas? i was looking at windows 7 64 but i seen a lot of peeps say it does not work on the dell 745 due to drivers etc any ideas guys?
I would suspect there are even less drivers for XP 64 not to mention what USRFret commented that XP EOL is next month. Also if he only has 4GB and a 1GB video card (assuming not onboard) then he probably only losing a few maybe 512MB which is not a big deal for XP.

Hey guys thanks for reply's at the moment he has 512mb gpu and 3gb ram im thinking of buying 2gb more ram to go in and a better gpu with 1gb so then in total he would have 6gb i know the 64 bit windows use about 2gb so he would have 4gb to use, but yeah xp is really dead lol but was just to tie him over till christmas as he will be getting a gaming pc, please any best solution would be great :) and again ty for reply's
Win XP 64 bit for gaming was not the best solution drivers were always a nightmare

As for your ram adding in more ram of different sizes and brands is just asking for issues - and highly likely to slow your system down
Dump the 512 if you plan this option
Ram comes in 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192 sizing there are no 3G chips to mu knowledge

Make sure he gets the right ram for his MB check which type is required and voltage.
Remember to use the slowest Ram in the First slot - faster ram will down clock slower ram becomes unstable when overclocked.

Sry mis-read 512 GPU - better GFX card always helps for games more so than ram
As for 512/1G/2G on GFX it not critical the Ram speed is more important and higher the Resolution you play at the More GFX Ram is needed for textures

Edit... Win Xp it stuck on DX9 any GFX upgrade would need to cater for this...