I tried to reinstall xp using three different install disks and it never completes. I have a paid antivirus program that found nothing before I started. After a lengthly installation it says it can't find windows and starts over. Whether I select relinstall or install a new version of windows it simply repeats. I've tried an original windows disk and a few different recovery disks. I hate to wipe my drive as I will loose stuff I was working since my last backup a couple of weeks ago. I use xp because I have a VERY good CAD program. The upgrades and all the other programs I've used lack a simple interface, are bloated and slow by comparison. I'm an old man and have been using this for decades. I've tried upgrades and other free and paid programs. All are bloated and slow by comparison. I hate to wast time making simple 2d mechanical drawings and schematics. I started writing control software on the first Intel development system for 8080's so this isn't my first rodeo, but this problem is a first.