Windows XP-missing my desktop icons, task bat and Start button


Feb 7, 2013
I can't access my start button (lost with desktop and taskbar) and therefore can't access control panel.

I've tried everything to restore my desktop, but nothing works (can't even get 'explorer.exe' to run) so I thought I'd try to find the problem in control panel (perhaps something that I have on my system that should be deleted).

How do I get into control panel?
Same here. I accessed Chrome browser through a (personal) folder on desktop. Open the folder, used drop down menu on right of address bar, C: (or working drive), Program Files, Google, App Data, and opened Chrome there. However, minimized the open pages, they do not show on task bar. Use Alt-Tab -hold both down, the brower icons show. Tab to one and release. It should open the browser.