Windows xp no video


Feb 10, 2013
I have windows xp and an ati radeon 9250 video card. I was loading world of warcraft when i received a message saying my video card drivers were out of date. I went to the website for updating drivers and it said i had to uninstall my current drivers first. I followed the directions for the uninstall and rebooted as instructed. The windows logo came up and as I suspected, I got a black screen because now I had no video card drivers. I then rebooted, pressed F2 for setup and changed the video from auto to integrated, and now the screen is completely black.

Please help me undo this mess.


If you changed the video from automatic to integrated did you change where the monitor is plugged into the computer? If not, then try connecting the monitor to the integrated video port on the computer.

Hi Ken,

Thanks for the reply, I didn't know there was a different place to plug in a monitor. What I ended up doing was going to a similar model computer and counting the keystrokes I needed to change the boot up video driver back to auto. That worked and gave me back my start up video. Then I booted up in safe mode and enabled the the vga driver. Voila! I wish they had said to do this initially.

Thanks again for your help. : )