Windows xp on S5 or Note 4 or similar devices

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Mar 15, 2013
I'm not a huge fan of getting the latest phone of a specific brand (i still use my S2 which is my first android phone) but i just saw Note 4 yesterday and now i'm thinking about getting it. But there's something on my mind that bothers me which is can i run xp on it if i were to buy it? I would like to know about Note 4 mainly but if you have knowledge about any other phones that can run xp which i would be able to run small coding softwares let me know.
I'm in my 3rd year of computer engineering and i don't have a leptop. So while i will have to get a leptop for the future i would like to hold off for new technologies and get one so as an alternative a phone could be useful.While i'm sure linux would run pretty fine on the device and i would be able to do my programming stuff on it i would like to know if i could run xp too.Btw i've already tried to use c4droid, SandIDE etc. but S2 screen is just too small for me, i use 32" as my main monitor and 19"(5:4) as my second on my desktop.
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