windows xp only shows wallpaper

Boot off a rescue disk from and anti-virus vendor, Avira and AVG both have disks I've used, run a scan with them.

See if the helps, although even if you clean out the virus the scan won't bring things back to how they were, you may have your things hidden or files were deleted or changed. If you have a second account you can use, try that. If not, you can try booting off a Windows XP disk and run a Repair setup to get it working. Doing a clean setup may be a good idea, just make sure you have backups of your files so when you format the drive you don't lose anything. After a virus, I would not just re-install Windows without a format.
Boot off a rescue disk from and anti-virus vendor, Avira and AVG both have disks I've used, run a scan with them.

See if the helps, although even if you clean out the virus the scan won't bring things back to how they were, you may have your things hidden or files were deleted or changed. If you have a second account you can use, try that. If not, you can try booting off a Windows XP disk and run a Repair setup to get it working. Doing a clean setup may be a good idea, just make sure you have backups of your files so when you format the drive you don't lose anything. After a virus, I would not just re-install Windows without a format.