My friend has an xp system on a old dell that doesn't get used for anything else except some bespoke software - No internet - So old it doesn't even support booting from usb.
But the boot.ini file has either been corrupted or damaged. This is the error message:
Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt :
XWindows root>\system32\hal.dll
Please re-install a copy of the above file
I have tried all the methods i can find on google but still no luck and i can't even get to command prompt due to the corrupt or missing file.
Any ideas or someone who i can take it to for repair ?
Thank you
But the boot.ini file has either been corrupted or damaged. This is the error message:
Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt :
XWindows root>\system32\hal.dll
Please re-install a copy of the above file
I have tried all the methods i can find on google but still no luck and i can't even get to command prompt due to the corrupt or missing file.
Any ideas or someone who i can take it to for repair ?
Thank you