windows8.1 whea uncorrectable error


May 9, 2014
I have been getting this whea uncorrectable error for months and its getting more frequent to the point where it bothers me. It happens most often when gaming. There is no overclock and over heating. And memtest86 runs fine for hours without errors. However, prime95 might cause a whea uncorrectable error.


Could be a marginal PSU problem, or a Windows Error
First try System File Checker
Winkey plus 'X'
Choose Command Prompt (Admin)
Type sfc /scannow then Enter

It finds and fixes errors in Windows, but doesn't always report them. Run it and see if the fault disappears after re-booting your system
If corrupt files are found that can’t...

Could be a marginal PSU problem, or a Windows Error
First try System File Checker
Winkey plus 'X'
Choose Command Prompt (Admin)
Type sfc /scannow then Enter

It finds and fixes errors in Windows, but doesn't always report them. Run it and see if the fault disappears after re-booting your system
If corrupt files are found that can’t be fixed, try

Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth (Observe spaces before /)

Re-run SFC

To view CBS Log

findstr /c:"[SR]" %windir%\logs\cbs\cbs.log >sfcdetails.txt

Search C drive for sfcdetails.txt or navigate to C:\Windows\System32 and scroll down.


Thank you very much. There WERE corrupted files on my windows. I will keep my rig running and post back. 😀

This actually fixed a bsod while playing Far cry 4, after 20 mins or so the game would bsod with whea_error. I ran sfc like you said and it reported erros but was unable to fix, DISM found errors and fixed. Rebooted and re-ran sfc and no errors were present. Thanks a million
I have the same problem while gaming and they are getting very frequent now, so much that I can't play.
I ran sfc but it did not find or fix my problem after a reboot, any suggestions please?

If your running a cpu over clock, make sure you're not running a gpu OC, or a RAM oc. Also make sure all cores are running the same oc, lowest core clock is probably the safest, using high Oc can cause disruption. Also if you're using sli, don't use the cpu to run the physx or equivalent. The post types above should take care of the software side If it's an issue. Other than that, make sure you have correctly plugged in all power connections in securely. Power disruption can cause lots of issues, even for the slightest infraction. Always look for silver and up in psu selection if not purchasing a name brand with guarantee. Also check thermal paste, hardware can be a problem even if it isn't stated, causing similar effects as software issues. Happened when I had my cpu OC to 4.8 the thermal plate was making too much contact, and would bsod different errors. Reaplied T-paste and boom, errors gone.



My cmd says

Error: 87
The online/cleanup-image/restorehealth option is unknown
For more information, refer to the help by running DISM.exe /?
When I try to run this to check my system I get "Error Code 11 : You cannot service a running 64bit OS with a 32bit version of DISM. Please use the version of DISM that corresponds to your computer’s architecture. The DISM log file can be found at C:\Windows\Logs\DISM\dism.log"

I can not figure out how to run this and Google is not being very helpful as nobody seems to speak non-programmer in their solutions.
This problem can also be caused by Realtek Driver. I have installed Realtek because i needed the sterio mix feature. And everytime i played GTA i got this BSOD. So i knew this started happening when i installed realtek. Removed realtek and bam. Back to normal

How do you have sound then? All of the audio outputs on my board are Realtek. Uninstalling their drivers would leave me playing games with zero sound.

Well Windows 8.1 has its own default audio driver, which u dont have any software to manage it except for the default sound settings from windows. Second i have a Corsair 2000 wireless headset so with or without the realtek it will function the way it have to. Only thing i needed was the sterio mix, but since that have been giving me this error i removed it and used audioline.
If you are still having this problem u can always try chkdsk /r or chkdsk /r D: or the letter of your other HD's u wanna scan and repair.
If its the C then u have to restart for that process to start. but my issue was with the realtek!
I think I may have fixed my problems. I had to change some settings to enable DISM to use Windows Update to retrieve fixes. Then I disabled all antivirus, firewalls and snti-spyware programs. Then I opened an Administrator Command Prompt from the system32 folder and I did this in order:

sfc /scannow
Dism.exe /Online /Cleanup-Image /AnalyzeComponentStore
dism /online /cleanup-image /startcomponentcleanup
Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth
sfc /scannow

"Edit: This did not fix my problems. However, I read on another forum that unstable overclocking can cause these types of problems as well as prevent the registry errors from being repaired some how. So I reset my BIOS settings back to default which turned off my memory and processor overclocks and it did work. I now longer have crashes with these errors. If you have any overclocks done you might want to try disabling them to see if that solves it for you as well."
Hey guys , i m having this problem more often and often and i cant fix it , i have my pc for 1 year and a half and just now its givving me this error constantly, i tried to sfc /scannow but every time it gets til 30 % my pc crashes again with the same error , could anyone help me ...?

Tell us more, what PC, what OS. Self build? OS upgrade or original? Do you have an installation disk? If Windows 8 did you try dism /online?

I restarted my computer in safe mode so I could rum a ESET Smart Security scan. I switched to safe mode by going into msconfig.exe and changing my boot options. After the scan was done, I restarted my computer but forgot to uncheck safe mode from the boot tab. That's when Ii got the error. Was it a one time event or will it happen again?

Unlikely that having Safe Mode selected would cause this error, whea uncorrectable usually implies a hardware/driver problem, but spurious instances of this error have been reported. If it occurs again run SFC and DISM as above to make sure your OS is OK.


Thanks! This worked perfectly. Just out of curiosity, I saw that there is an offline fix similar to the line that has "online" in it. (Dism /Image:C:\offline /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth /Source:c:\test\mount\windows) but this is not explained well. I was wondering if you know what the difference is with the two methods/commands. Thanks again!

The clue is in 'offline'. Your System is compared to a known good image stored on your PC as opposed to 'online' where
it is compared to an image on M'soft Servers... i.e. you could store a System Image on C and use that command to restore to that image by providing the path to it...more info here

I started getting this error recently after re overclocking my cpu. What part of an overclock would cause this? Not enough voltage? I have it on adaptive voltage but offset by -.045

I get the same error when the cpu voltage is too low..

I have tried all the steps above, yet when I run the SFC again it says that it found the corrupt files and could not fix them. I have an Intel Pentium G3258 Anniversary Dual Core Processor (overclocked to up to 3.8GHz) but no overheating do you have any idea what the problem is and how I could fix it? -Thanks