Windows8 Blue Screen


Jan 24, 2013
Hey there, thanks for clicking on this. I'm not very techy, (sorry!), but I'm having a problem with my windows 8 computer (Lenovo h250s Desktop with no modifications, 9 months old). I am getting a lot of blue screens at the moment, and have had 10+ since 20th of August.. The error code given is DPC_WATCHDOG_VIOLATION - Searched it on google, but could make no sense of it 🙁..

When I reboot, I get the crash report. When I maximise, I'm told that these files will be sent to microsoft:

(I don't know if links are allowed D:, if they are, say, and I can link you to it 😛)

Like I said, not very techy - If I can provide any more details that can help, I'll try :)!

(Still in warrenty - I think + no recent installations, except DokuCraft - A texture pack for Minecraft, and McPatcher) ;p

-- Thanks, Alex :)

Do you mean the Lenovo H520s? This one here?

Almost, but mine has 8GB RAM 😛 (May have got numbers mixed around ;p)

I'd recommend making sure that you have all the latest drivers installed. This can be a bit of a learning curve if you're new to PCs but at a minimum you'll want the latest Intel chipset drivers, Intel storage controller drivers, and Intel IGP drivers. Hopefully one of those will fix the bug. These can all be obtained from Intel's website.

Found a new graphics driver, no other new ones - Fingers Crossed! 😛
I just sat up last night until 4.30 in the morning sorting out issues to do with Windows 8 windows 8.1 on a new computer.

Thought I was going to die of relief when I finally got to bed.

Only 100+ hours additional work to get the PC functioning properly and replace all my programs and files and links to gear on various hard drives; all because MS would not cancel my existing product code and replace it with a working one; due to having installed Windows 8.1 preview in one language (English) but being located abroad and having the local S/E Asian language on W8 Pro disc which helped cause hundreds of wasted hours until last night when I think I got it back onto the road to recovery (thats the desktop; this is the laptop). A FULL RE-INSTALL was required. And I have Terrabytes of data to correctly link to again (and many programs to re-install and re-update [with dozens of passwords, site names, details to be remembered again]).

Meanwhile my Olde Athlon 64 XP Pro PC comes to the rescue time after time.

Microsoft should carry a health warning. Its seriously a chest-crushing experience sometimes.

Good luck with the chipset and Mo-bo drivers. I spent hours trying to connect to the net as I didnt know Installing a new W8 disc causes your Mo-bo to stop working in the chipsets (even though the drivers are still in Windows.Old); Microsoft and partners-in-crime certainly know how to make life harder than it needs to be.

You would think there would be a set of UNIVERSAL `Safe` Mo-bo drivers (to get you online to Microshed updates automatically during installation) with a reccomendation `popup` advising to update when you get a motherboard/chipset issue, by now. I tried hundreds of times to connect to the net and Microsoft update for hours before finding out it was a chipset driver problem as it is missing off the Windows 8 Discs (Z87 Mo-bo); and I am certain my Olde XP Motherboard never asks for chipset drivers when I went from XP Home to XP Pro or on previous re-installs. 10yr olde PC just works steadily.

I just feel that if Microsoft was a car, it would be something alike to a rotten Trabbant with a nice paintjob.

On top of that, manufacturers make laptops that overheat really really easily, so they auto shutdown repeatedly; leaving you wondering if windows 7 was at fault for months every summer; until you find it happening in Windows 8 also.

Rant over. Have fun. GTX780 price cuts are due.

There are a set of universal, safe drivers issued by Microsoft and included with Windows. Unfortunately many vendors don't like to play ball with the BIOS/UEFI firmware standards and botch things up.

thanks dude; I get you....buuuut....
My Mo-Bo is a relatively very recent Z87 Asustek Sabertooth Motherboard for the i7 4770 range of intel chips.

I discovered after a few nights work of non-stop attemts to fix that the problem, is that I needed to install all the Mo-bo chipset drivers and their updates again after `updating` to the next spirit-crushing Microsoft operating system. I had thought they get locked down in the Mo-bo like a Bios or something.

Also; (in regards to the NVidia Asus GTX 780) here in Japan, today the price of the ASUSTeK (NVidia chip) GTX 780, the PRICE went up by over $120 US Dollars. :fou:

I had it in my shopping backet at (amazon product) on the day prices were announced by NVidia to be reduced, so I waited a day for the price cuts, and Amazon jacked them up $120+ :ouch:
They now cost at least $850 each; in Yen Cents.

What a bunch of expletives Amazon are. :kaola:

Only good thing, is I can wait for the GTX 780 Ti while other people get the old version.
The carpet-bagging creeps can`t trap me. :na:

Having problems finding a company who will deliver to Japan though. :??:
run whocrashed.exe on your memory dump file, often it will tell you which driver failed to respond and caused windows to issue the bugcheck. It is a lot easier to update the actual bogus driver than all the drivers. you might also put your dump file on the cloud so someone could look at it for you in the windows kernal debugger, pretty easy to debug if you have the dump file