Wing Commander Creator Making New Game

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Ho-lee-fux... Are you kidding me? As a 36 year old gamer who's been playing since the 70's; WC is, was and ever shall be my favourite series.

Welcome back from your hiatus, Chris. You've been missed. Now... TAKE MY MONEY!
I'm a couple of years younger, but it's crazy that we were the first real generation to have been gaming since walking. Nowadays that's a regular occurrence but we started it all, lol. Mind you it was the guys older then us that created the games so they get credit as molding us, but I digress. But hell ya good to see Chris back, and if wing commander is the series wahoo. But if it's not I'm sure I'll be buying it because wing commander was amazing. Welcome back Chris.
WC1 on a 286 was probably my first real game and Privateer is probably my favorite game of all time. But not Privateer 2, that can die in a fire. And, I don't think I could ever forgive him for the movie.
Sweet, those were great games and the cat humanoids were cool too., need to get a new joystick. Been wanting a new one anyway because I have Freespace 2 that was great too. It's loaded to my Mac mini running XP under bootcamp for my older games. For modern games I run a self built older Q9650 with a GTX 560Ti with 7-64 as the OS. Bring back some good flight sims, we need them.
Time to dust off the old joystick, perhaps?

WCII was the game responsible for teaching me about computers. After many hours trying to get the game (with speech pack) to work on a 486, I finally learned all about how to write autoexec.bat, and config.sys files, along with how to make a boot disk just for the game, and the difference between extended memory and expanded memory. All before I had an internet connection. Ah, DOS 6.22... those were the days... back when 16MB of RAM cost $600. (fortunately, I didn't need that for the game to work!)
Talk about good news. All I need now is Freespace 3 and a new X-Wing/TIE Fighter game then I'll be able to justify buying the ThrustMaster HOTAS Warthog to replace my aging HOTAS Cougar because I need the extra buttons.
The website access code is an awesome homage to... well you'll need to figure it out for yourself.
Want an FPS and space combat sim hybrid. That would be totally kick ass!
I'm excited by the idea of a WC reboot; in reality though it won't be called that. EA still own the rights to the WC franchise even though they probably don't plan to use it any time soon. The makers of the Wing Commander Saga Freespace mod were expressly forbidden from making any revenue from their efforts, even though EA allowed them to continue.

So if Chris Roberts is planning something in the space combat mould, it will have to be an entirely new setting that is disconnected from the WC universe.
[citation][nom]phych[/nom]All my monies if he can get Descent: Freespace 3 up and running.[/citation]You and I are on the same wavelength.
Mark Hamill back to reprise his live action roles, or at the very least to do voice-over work
After years of crap sequels and rubbish remakes I have been saying the Wing Commander series was the one original idea that was crying out for a big budget do-over
Please don't mess this up
[citation][nom]back_by_demand[/nom]Mark Hamill back to reprise his live action roles, or at the very least to do voice-over work...After years of crap sequels and rubbish remakes I have been saying the Wing Commander series was the one original idea that was crying out for a big budget do-over...Please don't mess this up[/citation]

Play this and rejoice. It is ten years' worth of loving fan effort.
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