Wipe an SSD which has the OS


Then that would just be individual deletion/uninstall.

Mostly for space but some for in game overlay on nvidia geforce experience not working.

Then that would just be individual deletion/uninstall.

Sorry for the late response, but how do you do that? Like, just uninstall individual things?

What size is this drive?

You might be able to do an "upgrade install", and "Keep nothing".
Or just a regular 'install', and kill off all partitions. Ending up with a bare OS install.

What are you trying to keep, and what are you wanting to get rid of?
If it's a legit/activated install, there should be no fear of damaging the OS, just boot off the install media, select custom install, and delete partitions, and do a full fresh reinstall...

From USB install media to any decent SSD, this takes under 10 min these days....(and if to a good M.2 NVME drive, about 4 minutes)