Wire to modem or router


Dec 27, 2011
I have a modem with 4 ethernet ports and a router connected to 1.
For my other wired devices near my modem wouldn't it be better to connect them to the modem rather than the router?
I've never had a connection straight through a modem that didn't connect by DHCP.
Would I not have to setup forwarding & dmz by having it this way?..

I've just never had a connection like this and it confused me to see my external ip where I'd usually see my internal.
or is it even possible to have both the router and another device connecting this way?

What is going on is that you have two routers fighting each other.
DHCP, DNS, etc, etc. On a residential network, you really only want one router.

On the main modem/router, turn OFF the DHCP and DNS. However....now other devices connected to it won't work.
A better solution other than that second router would have been an access point. Provides wifi, and some also provide wired ports.
Yes, the modem is a modem/router but I don't like the quality of the wifi. So I've connected a different router.
I've tried connecting the router and other devices to the modem and it only seems like either/or will work.
Do I have to have specific settings for this kind of setup?
I think I'm just being picky cause I'd rather connect directly to the modem.
The router is just for things like cell phones to connect to the network.

What is going on is that you have two routers fighting each other.
DHCP, DNS, etc, etc. On a residential network, you really only want one router.

On the main modem/router, turn OFF the DHCP and DNS. However....now other devices connected to it won't work.
A better solution other than that second router would have been an access point. Provides wifi, and some also provide wired ports.
Thank you. I was able to use the 2nd router as an access point.
Don't know much about this stuff, all I found before was using it as a repeater and that didn't work out.
This is working just fine.