Wired artifact / screen flicking


Feb 21, 2017
(Laptop)I dont even know what reason causing this problem,is this because of gpu or game itself or driver. With hope ,to find my question answer iam here ,waiting for answer.

whenever i play gta 4 with delicated gpu (nvidia 930m) iam getting lots of artifact(brown colour big big box type sharp line poping up on building , people atmosphere, remainder - no green ,pink or any other colour appear instead of original colour)even the bridge are transparent i can clearly see ground,i can walk on it. .this only occur if i install the update patch of gta4,on previous update patch no artifact appear. But when i try to play it on igpu ,everything works fine ,no artifact even on new patch or old patch update. Now lets come to next game which i try fry cry 3 . on both igpu / delicated gpu iam getting not a artifact but strange black shadow on front of gun point. Third game which i have try resident evil 6 , in this game no artifact appear but screen flick to much when moving ,but its fix when i turn on v-sync.
Also i have try valley/heaven/furmark benchmark no artifact and flicking occur .
My laptop is asus x555lf/a555lf
Intel hd 5500/nvidia930m
4gb ram
Windows 10 64bits
Idle gpu temp remain between 35-45c while gaming its remains between 50-65c ,it never reached above than 65.
Everything is up to date (according to driver provided by asus websute)
Laptop is only 15days old.
I hope here expert give me best answer and tell me the reason behind this.

Something like this guy problem/artifact happens with me

should i try to install win8.1 . win8.1 driver is also provided by asus but laptop was come preinstall win10.
what do you think about it.

and thank you for replying .

again I try another patch from nosteam , gta4 working fine now but on other game , most of game which I have tried are getting tearing screen , its happening on both low fps or high fps . but when I turn v-sync on then everything start working fine again but game become kind of slow. any solution regarding this issue.