Wired Connection the same, if not worse, than wireless


Apr 28, 2014
So I've been using WiFi for a long time and the connection was very unstable and slow a lot of the time so I got a powerline adaptor (AV500 Nano) and got it working.
The problem I seem to be having is that the speed is still the same (200kbps average) even though my the summary Screen for my modem says the ADSL line speed maximum is 4032kbps. (Not sure what it means, just thought it might help).

Why have I lost all these kbs?


First check your connections to router cable modem and pc try rebooting the router and modem a lot of times a simple reset will fix it then if that don't work go google a speed test online and run it .. Then call your provider and tell them whats going on. The y will make you reboot your pc unplug and reset router and modem all that crap.


Apr 28, 2014

I have and the manual is very basic to be honest and doesn't say anything about the quality of the electrical systems however it does make a lot of sense that they would affect the connection. Do you have any information on the topic?




Nov 30, 2015
I'll tell you: it's a real vast topic, require specific knowledge. I'll make simple, but in reality it's really complex. The short answer your question is: anyone is having plugged at least one electronic device over the mains, as a result the power quality is stepping down, and it will get worse in the near future. The IEEE/IEC and other authorities started making standards of how much noise a device can emit on the grid.

Is this problem fixable: No. There are 2 ways to fix this problem, first one moving to another home and second, back to the old connection with ethernet cables.

Homeplugs works this way: when the mains waveform approches to 0, this mean that by a fraction of a second the line has no voltage on it, and so, you can send your internet traffic over the grid, however, there will be some residual noise that act as a jammer, and so, you will end up with a jammed homeplug because to the signal of your internet packages are mistaken by the noise, and so, you will pick up the noise instead of the correct package first, and second in some cases the waveform is so much distorted that it won't be fixed: it will float (to make a main waveform floating, you just need to turn on a oven or some other big load or a microwave oven). Floating waveform will brick up the whole power line system, and you will have to reset them in some way. These problems, added to many others (just think that your electrical company uses the same protocol to bring you the monthly fee, think that electrical cables are not meant to be used like that, and so on) will make the powerline not suitable for condos.

Why this is going to be a real issue in the future?! Well, aside the homeplugs, just think that the high voltage country grid System has a frequency sensibility of 50 (or 60) +/- 0,0003 Hz at least for national power interchange, not to mention all the other requirements that are really strict. Any fluctation above or after that frequency value for 0.2 seconds will be harmful for both countries and it will break the circuit.

Is there a way to test or there's a tool for monitoring the home power: yes, here: http://en-us.fluke.com/products/power-quality-analyzers/precision-power-analyzers.html
And, it won't be cheap: one of these would be more than £5.000 at least.