Question Wired connection


Nov 10, 2018
So I live in an apartment and the internet modem and router is on the opposite side of the apt and normally on my phone I checked the speed in my room and it was 20 mbps download and 18.9 mbps upload in the furthest room and in the living room (where the router and modem are) it’s 85 mbps download and 20 mbps upload so would this dell thing give me over 50mbps upload and above 15 mbps upload in the furthest room?,101952148149,901q5c14135,t,,A9073505,28021835709,pla-954656674232&VEN2=,&&dgc=st&dgseg=bsd&acd=12309152537501410&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI2ePv8uS44wIVBhgMCh2cXgB0EAQYByABEgI47fD_BwE


Unknown, but unlikey. Apartments are a WIFI saturated environment. Repeaters like that try to take advantage of better antennas to improve WIFI. But with a saturated environment, they also get more interference.
You could try a set of powerline adapters like these -- They use the apartment electrical between the two units. The "bedroom" unit then is a unique WIFI source.
Powerline adapters are your best bet ---- I've tried several WiFi range extenders are they were all way to troublesome, not to mention the speed drop because of the way they work. I switched to TP-Link powerline ethernet adapters and they are no trouble at all, plus no manual configuration necessary.