wired gigabit router with 4 lan switched ports, DHCP Server and DNS server


Oct 27, 2017

I am kind of tired of my ISP modem/router and I wanted to implement my own router at my home office setup.

My requirement are pretty simple but I cannot find any product satisfying them.

1) I need a wired router. No wireless and a high grade one I can trust
2) 1 wan gigabit port to connect to my ISP modem and 4 gigabit lan port working as switch
3) On the lan side I need to be able to configure a DHCP server and static address assignments by MAC address specifying a hostname
4) The router must function as DNS and all host defined in the DHCP static address assignments must be resolvable

I have looked at many brands and some of the failing points have been
1) the 4 lan port act as separated segments and not as switch
2) DHCP static address assignments are not exposed as DNS entries

Anybody can point me to a proper direction product?

Thanks a lot
Most your problem finding a device is your DNS requirements. This is actually a fairly intensive process and is generally run on a server. In general there is no need for a DNS server in a home installation so even ignoring the issue of not enough cpu power in a router there is little demand for this so you will not find many products.

In a commercial installation nobody even thinks to run this function on a router. Most companies that run their own DNS are using a windows domain server to do most of these functions and then use routers and switches to do the networking part.

You are going to have a hard job finding a single box to do what you want . You likely would be best served by loading a linux based firewall/router on a pc. You can add the DNS function if it is not already there. It generally is simpler to use a external switch but you could put internal multiport nic cards.

I think you need to really determine why you think you need a actual DNS server function in your router. If you can find another way it will make it much simpler

True, the best match I have found is this https://www.ubnt.com/edgemax/edgerouter-x/
But in the OS documentation, https://dl.ubnt.com/guides/edgemax/EdgeOS_UG.pdf it says that binding og the lan port is not available on that model

My idea is to create a minimal smart home setup where I can name all smart devices I have at home (speakers, lights, amazon echos ... you name it) and bind their mac address to specify ip addresses and hostname that afterwards are resolvable using DNS. This feaure seems available in the EdgeRouter X but I want to be able to use all 4 ports as switch too