So I was on windows 8.1 and I was messing with a bit of overclocking and then decided that wasn't going to work when it gave me an error after a reboot so I tried to go back to what I was doing earlier. Turns out my Ethernet wasn't working and a SSD wasn't being recognized anymore. I gave up on windows 8.1 and switched to 10 so I could get on that DX12 thing. I'm on a wireless dongle now but I'm just trying to get my wired connection back. Apparently the entire Ethernet driver is gone. I cannot reinstall it because when I try to install drivers from both my motherboard and intel, they both tell me that there are no network drivers and cannot continue. Here is a picture of what my device manager look like right now with nothing in it. I have no idea what the WAN miniport stuff is, that's new since I installed windows 10.
Here is the error message I get when I try to install network drivers:
Thanks in advance.
So I was on windows 8.1 and I was messing with a bit of overclocking and then decided that wasn't going to work when it gave me an error after a reboot so I tried to go back to what I was doing earlier. Turns out my Ethernet wasn't working and a SSD wasn't being recognized anymore. I gave up on windows 8.1 and switched to 10 so I could get on that DX12 thing. I'm on a wireless dongle now but I'm just trying to get my wired connection back. Apparently the entire Ethernet driver is gone. I cannot reinstall it because when I try to install drivers from both my motherboard and intel, they both tell me that there are no network drivers and cannot continue. Here is a picture of what my device manager look like right now with nothing in it. I have no idea what the WAN miniport stuff is, that's new since I installed windows 10.
Here is the error message I get when I try to install network drivers:
Thanks in advance.