Wired PC Internet problem


Oct 29, 2017
Hello and thx for future help. For few days I noticed problem with Internet on my wired desktop PC. I should get up to 4 mbit speed so I checked on www.speedtest.net and speed was around 1.2 mbit even with my Wifi off. Then I checked on my wireless devices and speed was normal 4 mbit (430 kbs download speed) . Tried everything, reinstaling windows, scaning with multiple antivirus programs, factory reseting router multiple times. There are moments when speed on my PC is normal, like 3.5- 3.9 mbit but suddenly it drops to below 2 mbit and I dont know what is cause of that. Everytime I check my wireless speed on my phone for example (speedtest) its normal, 4 mbit but only on wired PC is not. What could be cause of that and how should I fix it?

Hello, scaned my Pc with eset, avast, malwarebytes, nothing. Windows updates are off, have no idea why would speed be normal for few moments and then suddenly droping

Still nothing, this are results min ago. ( https://imgur.com/Z1sDA23 ) this one is from my mobile phone, as you can see normal speed I should get. ( https://imgur.com/cMzfpQt ) and this one is from my PC. ( https://imgur.com/EKWcdfp ) These are my processes, nothing strange here so I dont know where should I look for solving this