Question Wired/wireless connection

Jan 18, 2021
Okay, so I feel this may be a slightly unique scenario as I haven't not come across a thread with this yet. First off, I have a hardwired connection into my PC and my wife has a wifi connection into a laptop. My spectrum internet is 450mbps download, which I get consistently on both our PCs. Here's where things got weird, or maybe not weird if I'm to be corrected. I ran a speed test while Warzone was running on my PC and tested my download speed again and it almost always was between 50-100mbps. Meanwhile, my wife who is on wifi tested the connection while my game was running and she got the full 400-450mbps. I would close the game and run a test and on my wired PC connection it would be back to the 450. Ran this test multiple times with the same result.

I guess I'm just curious if this is a normal function, or is there something wrong with my settings somewhere that I'm not getting the full speed needed? Thanks in advance.
The weird part is that I tried this same experiment with apex running and ran the test again on my hardwired PC and speeds were the normal 400+. It appears it may be a warzone issue? I'm just not sure.