Wireless connection problems...802.11n


Jan 13, 2010
So I bought a rosewill n300x wireless adapter (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16833166051) and couldn't get much of a signal for my ATT router across the house. My crappyish acer laptop gets great signal sitting in the same place as my new desktop with its integrated wireless nic. Anyway, I bought a new trendnet wireless n router and set it up almost right above me with a different cable internet provider. So I've got 3 antennae on both the router and card.

If I'm just surfing the web, it works pretty darn well. 130 Mbps with 4 bars, sometimes five. The speed dips at times, but not under 100 Mbps. When I start up Utorrent and begin to download one torrent with down speed of 30 kbps and up speed of 40 kbps my connection gets reallllllllllllly crappy. My signal stays about the same, but my speed fluctuates from 54 Mbps to 78 Mbps. The internet pretty much slows to a crawl and many pages are unable to load.

There's a floor and probably 25 feet tops between me and my router. My desktop's currently in a desk cabinet. I have had it setup to broadcast mixed mode (b/g/n) and just n and have the same results. I updated my driver with the one from ralink's website. I thinks that's about everything.... http://www.google.com/products/cata...CYQrQQwAg&cid=12404656237465142947&sa=title#p --pretty sure that's the router I bought. Too busy to check, gotta get goin.

I need help folks! Any ideas?

My brand new rig:

core i5
asrock p55 extreme mobo
4 gb ram ddr3 1600
680watt psu
MSI N250GTS TwinFrozr 1GB
yada yada


Dec 29, 2006
I'm having the same problem, except my router is a Linksys WRT54GS. I have the latest Rosewill driver installed, running Norton Internet Security with the firewall off on Win 7 64 Bit. I have especially crappy connection speeds using Steam games. On occasion, I can connect to the servers at 100ms ping speeds but then randomly after about 5 minutes play it'll spike up to well over 500ms and then the game is unplayable (not to mention it's not fair for the other teammates).
Running the Rosewill adapter on a Gigabyte 790FXTA-UD5 mobo.

Looking at the link quality for all 3 antenna using the RaUI program shows all my signal strengths at or below 60% and the overall link Quality is occasionally up over 90% but usually hovers around 75%. I even tried swapping in an old Asus antenna but that didn't seem to help the reception strength much.

Any thoughts? Shitty adapter or is it a driver/power conflict using Win7-64?


Jan 13, 2010
I don't think it's the adapter for me...I've got it working fine now, except when I try to download with a bittorrent client. I have my port forwarded. Latest drivers and firmware. When I'm browsing the internet everything's great. Pretty consistent 270 mpbs. Strong signal, 4 or 5 bars. I don't know what the hell the problem is, but when I start downloading everything slows to a crawl on my computer and the wired computer upstairs. My speed dips and goes from around 132 to 162 mpbs.

I'm scratching my head on this one. I'll let you know if I figure anything out. Anyways, I don't think it's the adapter 'cause I was having the same problem with a different adapter...although I didn't quite test it out as much as I should have before I took it back. Also, I need to see if I have the same problems when I'm downloading something from my browser instead of the bittorrent client. Been too lazy to mess with it lately. I've been trying to fix the damn thing for a week now.

I switched my router settings to throw out some g to see if that would fix my problem. I think I remember only getting 3 bars of signal strength. An n-router might help your case. It's helped mine...but I still have the dloading problem.


Dec 29, 2006
I'm just shocked at the crappy signal strength, I'd get 4 bars with my old G adapter, and now with my N it's showing 2 or 3 at best, and all 3 antennas are getting shitty signal.... I'm kind of disappointed with this product I guess. I didn't want to have to upgrade my router because my NEW adapter was worse than my old one!


Jan 13, 2010
That sucks, do you have your N router's channel bandwidth set to 40 or 20/40? What router do you have?

I feel your pain man. I just built a new desktop and have had a shitty time with both adapters I tried. My not-so-great 3 year old Acer laptop gets good signal and works great with the integrated wireless. Even in the same place my new pc sits. Both adapters barely work with the AT&T router I've been using with my laptop. So I got the new N router for a different internet connection that's right above me and I still haven't completely resolved my issues.

And the adapter I'm using got 4 eggs on Newegg. Grinds my gears.


Jan 13, 2010
Solved my problem. Of course it had to be something silly. When I switched over to my Grandma's connection(different isp), I didn't realize that she was probably paying for the weakest bandwidth they have.

Problem solved. Though it's gonna cost me $20 extra a month.