Wireless Cutting Out with new computer

Tyler Niebergall

Dec 12, 2013
Hello I recently got a new computer a desktop I used to use a laptop. In our house we have a Wired/wireless router and we have never had problems before i could connect to it wirelessly on my laptop and also directly plug it in with a ethernet cord and my Mom and I phones would be able to connect no problem BUT now that i have my desktop when ever it turns on the wireless seems to be stopping? when the desktop is plugged in with an ethernet cord to the router and when i go to wireless on my desktop it stays connected for a few minutes then it just the internet just stops but still says im connected so i dont know what to do i cant really use my computer because for internet i need to use the ethernet cord and when i do that the wireless to the phones get cut off and my mom gets mad at me. We also have set a static ip for the phone to see if that would help but nope I have a Westel Router 7500 if that helps its fairly old.
Hello sorry for the slow reply but my friends tell me i dont have a router and that this is my modem because the phone line plugs directly into this box does this effect anything? can having it ontop of my desktop effect it and so on.