Wireless headphones with outstanding bass?

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attk mast3r

Oct 6, 2012
I am looking for some headphones with massive amounts of bass. I've already got some in mind but those are wired and I'd prefer the convenience of wireless if at all possible. I prefer a dark sound and usually set the EQ to produce that kind of sound. I'd prefer to keep it under $100, but may spend more if it's worth it. I have a FiiO E6 amp and my laptop has the ALC269 audio codec with MaxxAudio 3. I can get just under the bass I'm looking for with Sony XB400s, so it needs to exceed the XB400's bass threshold by 20% or more. Thanks in advanced for any help.
a fiio amp will not work with wireless headphones and wireless headphones in general are going to have less output than is capable on wired models simply because they have no directly connected power source (they run on batteries).

imho the sony XB headphones are crud not worth looking at. sure they do offfer lots of bass however it is so muddy and distorted (not to mention everything else is so distorted and muddled) that it completely ruins all sound which comes out of it. i bought a pair years ago to try out and they went back the very next day. horrible. yes, they do provide plenty of bass however is it really worth bad sound? if you want the absolute heaviest bass though for $100-ish the XB line is about as good as you are going to get but will sound like crap.

if you want clean bass and still have a low budget of $100 i'd go for a pair of ath-m50s. while they arent as bassy as XB headphones they are still not bad at all and do have pretty much the best low end you are going to get without muddling the whole rest of the sound stage. you could amp them for a bit more performance or tune the eq accordingly as well. i personally use a pair for such things as dubstep (which if you know bass... you know is just about the most bassy music which absolutely requires good bass to sound good) and they sound fine to me.

if however you want the most bass possible at the expense of everything else there isnt much you can do but buy xb500 or xb400 from sony. they are much much more muddled and sound like crap but they do have lots of bass.

I already have the XB400s, they're not meant to be top of the line...especially at $25. I'm looking for very heavy bass capabilities, sound quality just needs to be as expected. I'm not an audiophile in any way, but I do want a rich and loud boom. I want the bass to tickle my eardrums, that's enough bass for me. After that sound quality is the 2nd most important.
well... there are the xb500, xb600, v-moda crossfade, beyerdynamic dt770 (needs amp), jvc HA-M50X....

i'd read threads like this one http://www.head-fi.org/t/672950/best-bass-headphones-for-under-200 about bass heavy headphones. honestly though they just re-itterate what i said: most bassy headphones sound horrible and anything half decent is very expensive and requires an amp. if you are willing to deal with the muddy sound though and just want loud then there are a few choices.

i still say you'd be better off with the audiotechnicas for the money. your choice though.
do you have a guitar center near you? if you do take your ipod and fiio amp down and test out the m50's in store see if you like them.
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