wireless range booster up to 200 yards


Aug 31, 2014
modem and router are in office. office is a wood house outside office is 2 trees. 150' out and 50' back is a 30' x50' barn also complete wood structure beside that 10' left of the barn 20'x40' blocked by the barn is the wooding work shop with an office I'm in and want to use my lap top as well as to connect satellite TV
That is going to be extremely tough to get signal to. Standard wireless routers transmit a max of 600 feet (200 yards) with no obstructions. I would recommend a wireless bridge between the buildings. It would be best if you could mount the radios outside up high so you have line of site between them. If you cannot get line of site I would still mount them outside each structure and run an ethernet cable back into the structure to attach to your router or AP. For non line of site I would recommend either a Ubiquiti Nanostation Loco M900 or a Ubiquiti Nanostation M2 (one at each building). The M900 can penetrate trees and obstacles better than the M2 but it has less throuput. The max throuput you can really get on the M900 is about...
That is going to be extremely tough to get signal to. Standard wireless routers transmit a max of 600 feet (200 yards) with no obstructions. I would recommend a wireless bridge between the buildings. It would be best if you could mount the radios outside up high so you have line of site between them. If you cannot get line of site I would still mount them outside each structure and run an ethernet cable back into the structure to attach to your router or AP. For non line of site I would recommend either a Ubiquiti Nanostation Loco M900 or a Ubiquiti Nanostation M2 (one at each building). The M900 can penetrate trees and obstacles better than the M2 but it has less throuput. The max throuput you can really get on the M900 is about 15Mbit/s. With the M2 you could get a max throuput of maybe 60Mbit/s. Actual throuput is hard to tell because of your obsticals. Would it be possible for you to run some RG6 COAX cable between the buildings? If so you could use a pair of these and get close to 100Mbit/s: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00684E0UI/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pd_S_ttl?_encoding=UTF8&colid=ESH21VESZ1JF&coliid=I76NY95B17XB1