Wireless solution for thick walls


Sep 22, 2014
In Brazil, most apartments are made of brick, leading to some rather thick walls some times, and mine isn't any different.

My current router is a Apple Airport Express (not by my choice, but that is what I have), with a TP-LINK AC1750 Wi-Fi Range Extender, AV1200 Powerline Edition, which I bought after subpar results with Range Extenders. Although much better, they are still unstable, sometimes losing connection with the internet, which is making me think of other options, to which I'd like your opinions and suggestions.

And to make matters worse, in the last wall between my room (where the router is) and the living room (where most of my frustration regarding the wi-fi connection comes from) there are water pipes, making the wall extra THICC. The apartment aint big though. Here are pictures for a better idea on how things are.


I know the optimal solution is setting up acess points through Ethernet cables, but as the apartment is a rental, breaking walls or doing anything of the like is a no-go. I wish that was an option, but unfortunately it is not. So I can only think of two other solutions.

1 - Buying one of those 4-8 antennae routers, such as a the Asus RT AC88U, Linksys WRT AC1900, or even the ASUS AC5300. Dont know if it would actually work, as Wi-Fi is a both-way communication. It would surely improve the incoming signal, but there would still be some rather thick walls in between the device and the router, therefore the outcoming signal from the device wouldn't change (I think? Am I right? lol)

2 - Using one of those Mesh Wi-Fi Mesh Network Systems. I personally didn't know this system until today (searching for options) but it seems a rather simple system. But would it be that different from a Range Extender (connection-wise, obviously)? I dont think so.

So, any thoughts or suggestions?
Have you looked into Powerline networking?

The only other idea is to go around the walls. If the router could be moved so it was near line of sight with the doorway and an extender/repeater was mounted in the hall you would have pretty good coverage. There are Wifi analyser apps for your phone that you can use to see where signal drops off.

Thats what I currently use, forgot to say it was the powerline edition when mentioning the TP-LINK AC1750 Wi-Fi Range Extender. But even though it improves my problem, it is still unstable, sometimes losing connection with the internet, probably caused by interfereance from the eletrical grid.

I shall look into those apps and trying rearrange the router to see if it makes a difference