Witcher 3 40-45 fps gtx 980 is this low?


Jun 17, 2015
As the title says I'm averaging about 40- 45 fps on the Witcher 3 (1080p Ultra Settings). With hairworks on i sit around the 35 fps mark in some spots in the opening level. Game seems to be running very smooth (perhaps I mean to say with a very consistent framerate) but websites like eurogamer's digital foundary and anandtech lead me to believe without hairworks i would be sitting around the 60 fps mark....

Are my fps low or is this normal? I am running a 3770k at 3.4 ghz. Could this be limiting my fps? Would Fraps be limiting this as well?? It is what i use to check on my FPS.

Thanks in advance!
I would suggest using NVIDIAs optimization setting in Geforce Experience. Sometimes their can be pretty specific settings to look great and get a good fps, NVIDIA should be able to solve that issue. If not, I would manually lower the settings and adjust it to your liking to achieve your desired frame rate.

Your CPU is completely fine and shouldn't be bottle necking anything either.

I've got a 780 ti superclocked /w acx, and a 4790k and I had to manually adjust some settings down to reach 60-80fps, especially whan it came to foliage draw distance while in a dense forest... Other than that, I just got a nice toasty GPU after a few mins of gameplay haha.

I have 4 x 4 gb ram so 16gb altogether. I will try optimizing through nvidia software and post back. I was trying to determine if this was a more accurate fps that others were also getting instead of what had been on those websites

P.S. on my phone it shows that your are asking about my RAM but on my PC it does not. Instead it shows the paragraph about your 780 ti (sweeet gpu!). Is this something for the forum moderators? How do I notify the powers that be etc etc
Oh no, haha I just updated my response from asking about the RAM and changed it to something else (Your phone caught it haha), I expected that you have at least 8GB :) And yeah, 16GB is plenty!