[SOLVED] With these compenents, how many watts do I need

stock is low and prices are way high on psu's. what you used to get for $50-60 is at $100 or more right now!!

and that is still not the best units. but from what i see on partpicker, this is the best bang for the buck that i see right now


at $99 it is expensive but considering much lesser units are almost that price makes this the best buy i see

edit: this is also a good buy right now

free shipping if you have prime. or save $10 and go with semi modular version

Math Geek is right - I'm constantly annoyed as I try to piece together budget builds for friends how much quality power supplies cost right now. That said - there's no reason a good power supply can't last though numerous builds over a decade, even - my daily driver 24/7 PC has gone through numerous iterations with the same Rosewill Capstone 80+ Gold 450w PSU from May 2012.

I'm building a low budget rig for a friend now, and went with this unit. It hasn't arrived yet, and it's bare bones on features (non modular), but it's the lowest priced new 80+ Gold unit I could find. Research indicated it might be an OEM version of the Toughpower GX1 that was provided to system builders, not meant for retail sale - so I wouldn't count on warranty.

That said... Generally anything 80+ Gold is on the better quality side of power supplies, so I'll take my chances for $73 shipped after tax.

keep in mind the bronze/gold/platinum thing is just a sticker the company puts on a unit. it is not regulated in any way and means pretty much nothing coming from some of those junk brands out there. so just "get a gold rated one and it'll be good" does not hold up.

the thermaltake smart psu's are not very good at all. what you have to do is read some reviews or ask those of us who have spent way too much time researching them. :)

johnyyguru.com is a good source of reviews as is this site itself. try to avoid those youtube people who simply plug the psu in and say "yup it works". the pro's use expensive equipment and tear them down to see how they are built, what internal parts are used and then tests every aspect of how they ACTUALLY perform under load at all levels.

i personally would not use one of those for my system no matter how cheap they are. some of the better budget units are the corsair cx series. they used to be readily available at good prices but they cost near as much as the high quality seasonic units i posted above. it's worth the extra few bucks over the cx series. i just built a system a couple weeks ago and ended up spending $90 on a psu myself. hurt me to do it but i know a quality unit is the basis for the system and is worth spending for.
For what it's worth, it's labeled a Smart series PSU, but the Smart series PSU is 80+ White, and the pictures of this OEM power supply match the GX1/GX2, which put it as a B tier power supply - not in line with the typical C tier Smart series.

Edit: In fact, the Amazon listing for this part number shows pictures of the side panel, where the part number SP-600AH2NCG matches the GX1 600W.

that's interesting, the part number listed comes back to the gx1. for some reason i did not even make the connection that the smart series is not even bronze rated.

good catch. :)

even better reason to avoid this seller, i see them all over with the same listing including amazon.