Archived from groups: (More info?)
Newly built Dell 600m; W2K (completely updated - 10/9/04 -
OS, drivers and applications). Turning off un-
necessary "services" and found a "WLTRYSVC" service;
running and set to automatic. No explanation (that I've
found on google or MS's KB) as to, exactly, what this
service is ? - or does ?? - or is supposed to do ???
Anyone have an answer ???
Newly built Dell 600m; W2K (completely updated - 10/9/04 -
OS, drivers and applications). Turning off un-
necessary "services" and found a "WLTRYSVC" service;
running and set to automatic. No explanation (that I've
found on google or MS's KB) as to, exactly, what this
service is ? - or does ?? - or is supposed to do ???
Anyone have an answer ???