Wolfenstein 3D 'Officially' Ported to iPhone

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Everyone seems to want to insist that the iphone is more powerful than the psp, yet, the psp has been running Wolfenstein 3d, Doom, Doom 2, Heretic, Hexen, and Quake for years without framerate issues.
My over-a-year-old Nokia N95 8GB can run Quake 3 without a hitch. The PSP can't, and neither can the iPhone (Not in the technological sense, but in the availability). Perfectly playable, and can be controlled by any combination of the following input methonds: Phone keys, Accelerometer, Bluetooth mouse, Bluetooth keyboard.
And, of course, you can run Quake 2, Quake 1, Doom/Heretic/Hexen and Wolf3D too. Oh, and Duke Nukem 3D.

Doom has been around on Symbian phones since 2002...
[citation][nom]jsloan[/nom]wow, the good old days, what about duke nukem 3d, that would be sweet...[/citation]

Fret not, it's been rumored that Duke Nukem Forever will be released simultaneously for the PC and the iPhone

And that should happen ... any decade now 😀

This game is clearly available on the application store for $4.99 and has been since March 23rd...

Typical TH reporting as of late. It must have been too difficult to find someone with an iPhone or better yet ANY computer with iTunes and do a quick app store search to confirm...
YAWN....This is an embarassing story for Tom's. I'm disappointed. I used to expect more from Tom's. Now an article about Wolfenstein on the iPhone. Big Deal. Leave this crap for Engagdget or Gizmodo.
Wolfenstein 3D was a great game and I don't think anyone who played it back in the day will deny it. However I really don't see it becoming a popular game even on a iphone with the people not old enough to enjoy it when it first came out.
“Using the iPhone's hardware 3D acceleration was a requirement, and it should be easy,”
“Rather than having a big confrontation over the issue, I told them to just send the project to me and I would do it myself,”
“Cass Everitt had been doing some personal work on the iPhone, so he helped me get everything set up for local iPhone development here, which is a lot more tortuous than you would expect from an Apple product. As usual, my off the cuff estimate of ‘Two days!’ was optimistic, but I did get it done in four, and the game is definitely more pleasant at 8x the frame rate. And I had fun doing it.”

+open source
+first available to hacked phones

carmack is so f*cking awesome!! i love his spirit and skills!!!
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