I would agree it depends on the maker and specific game code on how it was put together and optimized for. For example Second Life uses the old Havok engine still, which works BEST under NVidia and AMD has issues. Other games it is the other way, so it depends on the maker and specific game and how it was put together.
Second to that there is underlying causes as well. The two most common are
1) Virus/ Antivirus. Things get on the computer, and some people never really address it. Also people don't wish to 'pay' for the 'included' Antivirus renewal so it is expired, Then lastly alot of the 'pay for' AV tried to be One Answer for ALL PC issues, and instead became the actual problem because it does so much it makes the PC too busy for other 'intense' things (gaming).
So remove whatever antivirus your using, go to www.filehippo.com and download the latest version of Avira, Panda, Avast, etc. they are free and do NOT EVER rely on the built in 'Antivirus' from Microsoft, it doesn't find anything. Open the software, go to the scanning options and do a full scan (it is NOT set by default, it only does a 'quick scan).
2) Again from filehippo download Malwarebytes and repeat the same thing as step 1. Malware is different from Viruses, like getting 'Spam' calls on your cell is much different than being will with vomiting (virus); same for Malware vs Viruses.
Otherwise I would ask you to get a program like SPECCY (again quick download from filehippo.com) and then copy and paste the first tab results to give us a idea on the hardware your using, then provide what settings your putting Doom on. If your trying to run on a AMD HD7000 at 1080P this may also be the reason too (newer code exceeds your specific hardware capabilities).