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"Edge" <> wrote in
> "Woodsy Niles" <woodsy@spamnot.mee> wrote in message
> news:Q%jGc.57398$
>> "Edge" <> wrote in
>> I see. So you're just one of those people who go around bitching
>> about everything, but never raises a hand to change things.
> Actually I'm not as stupid (as some here) as to think that whining
> in the newsgroup does anything OTHER than justify the trolls
> existance .. as a general rule I simply killfile the wankers ...
> today I just found your responses so stupid they justified a
> response.
> (ps, I also tend to take the issue to the ISP .. but unlike the
> wankers here, don't feel the need to broadcast that to all and
> sundry .. thus again playing into the hands of the troll).
> Pity you people can't figure that out for yourselves.
Like I said, you're one of those people who like to bitch and moan
about something, but never raise a hand to help stop the problem.
Woodrow the Usenet Guy = crop circle maker "it's extremely lucrative"