Wondering how to reset or erase my Samsung 80 GB SATA internal hard drive for my desktop computer without having to use a comp

Not sure what you need to do.

Is it the only disk in your computer.

If so then you need to boot either from CD or USB, possibly Linux or windows and then reformat your disk.

Alternately you can install a new OS over the disk.

If the computer is not working, then you need to move the disk over to a working computer, either via USB external caddy, or mounted internal.

Please provide more detail on what you are trying to do and why.


Apr 19, 2009
Not sure what you need to do.

Is it the only disk in your computer.

If so then you need to boot either from CD or USB, possibly Linux or windows and then reformat your disk.

Alternately you can install a new OS over the disk.

If the computer is not working, then you need to move the disk over to a working computer, either via USB external caddy, or mounted internal.

Please provide more detail on what you are trying to do and why.