Wondering if this is ok


Dec 2, 2015
Hello This is my first build and i was wondering if this is ok i already bought the motherboard and the operating system and the processor and the cd dvd writer and the ram but I had a couple questions about this for instance can i use a 6gbps hard drive on a 3gbps motherboard and im really worried about the motherboard due to it having bad reviews oh and a stupid question but are sata cables universal and is it just the ports or do you need a special cord for certain hard drives and dvd trays


Thanks, lions654321
sata cables are the same (SAS cables look similar but are a bit different)
for plain hard drives, sata 6gbps and 3gbps and 1.5gbps are the same - very very few hard drives can saturate even a 1.5gbps port
also, run-on sentences suck. invest in a comma, or a period.

Do you think that the motherboard sucks?
no idea, i haven't built an AM3+ system. but i would easily trust most boards from Asus, ASRock, and Gigabyte. i have several from each company - various platforms, from 478 and 462 up to 1150 and FM2+