Discussion wonderings


Win 11 Master
If win 11 needs secure boot, it means it only works with GPT boot drives. So I wonder if you can install it on MBR at all.

Maybe installer only does GPT now?

I know, we can't answer this question until a few months, I just wanted to write this down :)
My point is, win 10 installer will install as either MBR or GPT, depending on boot method - you can choose either depending how you have bios set up.

UEFI will boot MBR partitions if they are win 7.

Win 10 installs as MBR if boot method is CSM/Legacy
Win 10 installs as GPT if boot method is UEFI

That is known. I have done both.

Win 11 is unknown - It appears WIn 11 only allows installation onto GPT given its need for secure boot
UEFI can only boot from a GPT disk, so it seems that UEFI, GPT, and the option for Secure Boot are requirements.

However, Windows 11 may not require Secure Boot to be enabled. I still haven't found a definitive answer on that one.