Worried that my cpu cooler/heatsink will fall off!!!


Apr 5, 2016
Just finished building my second gaming pc and for this build i used the Cooler Master 212 Evo http://www.coolermaster.com/cooling/cpu-air-cooler/hyper-212-evo/ (my case has the room for this fan so space is not a concern) but im worried that the cpu heatsink will fall off as the computer stands up straight so the cooler is sideways (the way its supposed to be). The screws are not all the way in as it seems although i defantly felt force when screwing them in the star pattern after about 1-2mins so i stopped there, gave the cooler a wiggle both sides and showed no sign of movement (very little so its not to tight, although this movement wasent moving across the cpu it was more of a wiggle and not completley stiff heatsink). Im not sure if theres anything i need to be worried about or if its just my cautious self getting to me again, if re-applying the heatsink is a must that is no probblem for i have plenty of artic silver 5 compound and thermal compound remover(s). Thanks for all the support!

Don't worry about posting pictures or anything. It sounds like you've done it right. Then just monitor your temps under a stress test. If temps are under control then the cooler is mounted properly. If it's loose or wobbly, it won't do its job. So good temps pretty much guarantee you've done it right (which, as I say, it really sounds like you have!)
It's really hard to advise you on this without being able to see it. I would say though that any "wobble" should have absolutely 0 affect on the contact between the CPU heat spreader and the cooler. If your "wobbles" are affecting that contact, then it's clearly mounted incorrectly. It is a lot of weight though and won't be absolutely rigid... motherboards have a bit of flex to them and that's fine. So if it's the mobo that's just flexing slightly, don't worry.

All I could really say other than that is to watch a few youtube videos too see if it looks right.
As long as you are sure the cooler is screwed down on all four points of the cooler onto the cpu sat in the cpu socket of the motherboard you should have no problems.

As you fitted the cooler the fitting information should of told you what orientation the Evo 212 cooler should be fitted via a diagram.

High, or tall coolers even when the four screws are firmly screwed down, if grabbed at the very top of the cooler will have a little bit of movement on them.

It is usually, or should I say comes from the fact that the heat pipes have bends in them.
It results in the cooler feeling a bit springy.

As the copper heat pipes flex a bit Rasmus.
well thank you all for the support!!! I am sure it is fine, i will try and get a picture if at all possible but i dont think i will be able to. If i can get the image in your head at all its firmley put into place with screws needing some force to screw any further although they still stand pretty tall but i feel thats just they way they are supposed to be. It just looks odd to me and makes me worried although knowing that it is screwed in tight i guess il have to have a temp monitor running in the background as the pc is running on some good title games/hardware using games like falllout 4 or gta 5 and see how the temp stacks it is a amd cpu so as long as its beneth 55 celcius i guess im all good! Again thanks for the support really means a lot.
Good luck, it really does sound like you're fine. You always want to monitor temps after installing a new cooler anyway just to check your contact is good and thermal compound is doing it's job. So it's nothing different to what you'd do even if 100% sure it all worked.

well thanks, i am hoping to have access to the pc quite soon to be able to get a picture of the cpu cooler to show what the screws look like but they show that they are not in all the way but i believe thats the way its supposed to be. The screws defantly wont go any further without intense force so thats what makes me feel like its screwed in all the way!

Don't worry about posting pictures or anything. It sounds like you've done it right. Then just monitor your temps under a stress test. If temps are under control then the cooler is mounted properly. If it's loose or wobbly, it won't do its job. So good temps pretty much guarantee you've done it right (which, as I say, it really sounds like you have!)
Hey thank you so much I ran temp test and idle was steady 20 Celsius for CPU, and gpu was stable 21! So it seems the CPU cooler and fans inside my case seem to be utilizing air flow properly and are mounted correctly! Thank you for releasing stress off my back, big thanks to you!!!