Worst CPU in the world?

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Thats a load of FUD. Honestly the 8350 came in a lot closer to the 2500k than i was expecting, someone needs to spend more time fudging their benchmarks if they want them to be ripe for cherry picking!

If you want an awful processor look to the Atoms. Did a bit of an experiment at work, an i3-3220 ended up being 20x faster than an Atom D525.... it was sad.

For the most part, most processors were pretty good in the era they came out but would be really bad by today's standards, a high end Pentium 4 would be putting out a ton of heat for marginal performance by todays standards but was a top performer in its day.

I agree that AMD's current range is an under performer but that video is a joke, How can you expect to be taken seriously when you use something like that to highlight cpu differences. Also how does the video uploader expect anything other than ridicule, No wonder he had to disable comments.
Pop the top cover off and embed it in Lucite, great paperweight that gets non-techies all excited. I did it with a dead old HDD that I had partially disassembled once and that looked pretty cool. The tough part is insuring you don't have too many air bubbles.

Nothing wrong with it m8.I used to own a 8350 and I know what your saying and also at the time the rice difference was a no brainer,which is why I had the 8350 but I bought a joblot of pc components last year for £180(no refunds)and there was a 9790 in the box,brand new,just had scuffs on the box!Sold my 8350 for £100 and upgraded.Instantly I could notice what a huge difference there was between the two.The boost its given to my gaming has been like adding another card in xfire or adding another 8GB of RAM.For the origional price,you would be mental to buy one but I have seen them going for around the £250 mark now,which is still a little pricey compared to the 8350 but for a 5Ghz octo-core CPU,Pentium would/do charge 3x the amount!

You can OC the 8320, that is the point. Buying the same base chip with higher factory speeds, with higher prices, is simply pointless.
Now if it had a different architecture, or structure (Such as graphics cards) it would be worth it.

Not sure why you would still be using a 965 Phenom chip in 2014...........the Phenom architecture is over 20 years old......what a moron......must be poor......
Only dumb asses would use AMD cpu/gpu in 2014.......AMD is decades behind Intel/Nvidia.....and I have the benchmarks to prove it.... would you like to see how bad that Phenom 965 performs today??
POOR KID........
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