Worth the Extra Money?


Jan 25, 2014
Hey everyone :)

So I'm building a computer soon, and if the 800 series isn't out by the time i finally get to building/ordering, or if it's out of my price range, I'm thinking of going with a GTX 780.

Now my question is, would it be worth it to spend the extra $100~ for the 6Gb version or just go with a 3Gb version? i want to go with MSI, I love MSI. Would it be worth the 6Gb for future proofing if i want to go SLI?

Thanks to anybody who answers :)

The bad thing is, when 4k will be mainstream, his GPU will be outdated like a ATI HD 3870

2-3 GB VRAM will be fine. I am not sure if anisotropic takes more memory as well...

So if i want to use it just on a single 1440p monitor, the 3Gb will be enough? I don't like the idea of 4K, and i might consider triple 1080P monitors sometime in the future, but with a different generation of cards. That'll be good enough for a single 1440p though? I plan on playing games like Star Citizen, BF4, and newer games that come out

It would last 4 years or even more. I had a friend which owns a GTX 260 and still plays everything in a 1600x900 screen. As the 770 is like 10 times more powerful, you get the idea. (But I am more of ATI cards 😛)

haha okay, the 4Gb 770 it is :) i suppose after a while, i could just SLI and then SLI again eventually lol
Yes you can do that, but will draw more power. Here in Tom's we usually suggest to go with a powerful single card instead of several medium or low ones. But anyways do not worry, I guarantee you that GPU will bring you a long life before replacing.